Technology has influenced us all in many ways; nowadays we watch movies, have fun on and listen to music online. It has allowed people to easily access music on their own terms without paying for CDs or downloads but also resulted in declining revenue for artists who used to make money from album sales.
The digital revolution
Internet access is now a worldwide phenomenon, and it’s become the most popular means of communication. The Internet is a global network of computers that communicate with each other in real-time, allowing people to share information with each other all over the world.
Music distribution, marketing, and performance
The internet and other digital technologies have had a massive impact on music distribution, marketing, and performance. For example:

- It is now possible for an artist to distribute their music online at a very low cost. Artists can upload their songs and videos onto YouTube, SoundCloud, or similar websites, where they can be viewed around the world by millions of people.
- The internet makes it much easier to find out about new artists or songs that you like. You can use services such as Spotify or Apple Music to listen to music without having to buy CDs or download files from the Internet yourself.
- Digital technologies have also made it easier for artists themselves to promote their work online – through Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, and Instagram photos – giving them a larger audience than ever before!
Music is now more readily available than ever before however; musicians’ revenue has decreased dramatically
Now that more music is available than ever before, there are fewer opportunities for musicians to make money from their work. As you might imagine, it’s often difficult for artists whose livelihoods depend on being able to sell their music in traditional ways—like CDs or vinyl records—to make a living these days (though some still manage). More often than not nowadays, people listen to free streaming services like Spotify or Pandora instead of buying hard copies of an artist’s albums at retail stores.
Technology has made it both easier and harder for musicians to make their careers work

The ease of producing and distributing music is unparalleled; anyone who can play an instrument can now access the same technology that was once reserved for professionals. Musicians no longer have to rely on record labels or other intermediaries, which means they don’t need to compromise their artistic integrity in order to gain exposure.
But there are also drawbacks. Music has never been more abundant than it is today, but this abundance makes it harder for new artists and bands to stand out from the crowd.